Thursday, December 13, 2007

I have been tagged

Traci tagged me so here are my 7 random things about me.

1.I really hate doing my hair. I hate how long it take me to do. If I could I would be bald.

2. I love listening to Glen Beck. I like his insight into everything.

3. I sleep with a body pillow. It drives Chris nuts but I have been sleeping that way since I was 10.

4. I love to vacuum. After I had carter I could not vacuum for 2 weeks because of my c-section and it drove me nuts.

5.I have stayed at a bed and breakfast inn where they filmed a Stephen King Movie.

6. I enjoy going on walks with my family on Sunday afternoons.

7. My favorite time of year is Fall.


Jenn said...

Oh Hil!
You and me both!! Why do you think I have super short hair?! :)

If women being bald was accepted, I'd TOTALLY jump on that ban wagon!

Nana and Papa said...

Hi Hil,
As usual your blog is great! The previous blog with the butterflies was beautiful.
I think every women hates doing her hair. If only we could have our own beauticians.
Mom M

Agnes said...

I think I remember that "body pillow" thing...I don't remember if we talked about it or what ...when I read that I was like..."I don't know how I know that...but I do"...maybe it when I spent the night once...whatever. It's fun to read about people's random 7 things! :)