Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have been really bad with updating our blog so here is a what we have all been up to.

Weston is doing well in school. He is really enjoying karate and cub soutss. He started an art class and his having fun learning new techniques. He has been such a wonderful older brother. He has really stepped up to the plate with being such a big help to me.

Carter is still spunky as ever. He is finally enjoying school and Church. I am very happy with his progress and his ability to work around his disability. He keeps my hands full.

Ryder has hit the terrible twos. He makes us laugh so much. He keeps things light and fun in our house. We are so lucky to have his little spirit in our home.

Chris has been very busy with finishing the basement. His busy season is getting ready to start. We are lucky that he does not need to go away for a long time this summer.

I have been trying to get to our new normal. We have got a new routine down finally. This will never be the same like it was before Carters accident but we are very blessed to have every day we have.


Mom said...

Hey, Wow, love the wallpaper. : )
When I saw it I knew there was an update. I like it when you say, "a new normal". That is being positive.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, so it seems, no one blogs anymore. I still like it and have your blog turn when I turn on the internet.

Anonymous said...

I mean "turned on"

Travis and Megan Liston said...

Thanks for the update:). -Megan